LUKE 23:34
One of the highest forms of love is forgiving someone who has hurt you, especially when they do it intentionally. To tell one who hurt you that you forgive them may shock them into apologizing to you for their misdeeds. Unconditional forgiveness is one of the highest characteristics of true Christianity which can be manifested by a believer. It is with this trait that you may win many to Christ. So we must learn how to deal with those memories.
Consequences of an unforgiving spirit:
1. Emotional problems
2. A gradual increase in bitterness
3. Physical ailments
4. A gradual withdrawal from spiritual things
5. Satan will build a stronghold of hatred into your life, thus isolating you from others.
Once you have forgiven that person:
1. Determine at that moment you will not raise that issue with the person who hurt you.
2. Ask the Lord immediately for strength to squelch the desire for revenge.
3. Keep in mind those whom you have hurt in the past and how they have forgiven you.
4. As soon as you have forgiven that person, seek immediately to rebuild the relationship.
5. Pray for the one who hurt you on a daily basis. It is hard to seek revenge or hate them when you are praying for them.
6. Remember the cross, God's ultimate forgiveness
If you keep these 6 principles of forgiveness in mind, you will gain victory over a revengeful mindset and you will maintain stable relationships with all believers. True forgiveness is possible.